Heavy Duty Cut Outs HDCO 200A, 400A, 600A – Lucy Electric

Heavy Duty Cut Outs HDCO 200A, 400A, 600A – Lucy Electric

Heavy Duty Cut Outs HDCO 200A, 400A, 600A – Lucy Electric


Lucy Heavy Duty Cut Outs HDCO are available in 200A, 400A and 600A and are designed for indoor installation – the 200A heavy duty cut out unit is compatible with BS88 J type fuses with 82mm centres whereas the 400 and 630A use 93mm fuses. The 630A version can be terminated with aluminium or copper conductors up to 300sqmm.

All the Lucy range can be retro fitted with the Lucy CT Metering Chamber.

Heavy Duty Cut Outs HDCO 200A, 400A, 600A

Heavy Duty Cut Outs HDCO 200A, 400A, 600A

Heavy Duty Cut Outs HDCO 200A, 400A, 600A

Features & Benefits

  • Tough, fully insulated construction
  • Troughs providing choice of three cable entry positions
  • All external cover screws are captivated
  • Keyhole fixings on uppermost body attachment points
  • Two external M12 earth studs
  • Outgoing cables exit the top of the unit via a closed cell foam cable bush
  • Sealing wire facility
  • HDC630 trough can be fitted to HDC400 unit for increased cable core separation
  • Incoming terminations via range-taking, mechanical shear off connectors or compression lugs
  • Outgoing terminations via range-taking, mechanical leader clamps or compression lugs
  • Removable N/E link for use with CNE and SNE systems
  • Removable clear internal insulation shields to incoming and outgoing phase and neutral/earth terminals

Heavy Duty Cut Outs HDCO 200A, 400A, 600A Lucy Electric

Product Specification

Heavy Duty Cut Out Part Number Ratings Fuse Centres Max Cable Size Height Width Thickness Weight (excluding fuses) Fixing Screw Hole Diameter 
HDC200 200A 83mm 120sqmm 1200mm 700mm 18mm 55kgs HDCO & Trough M6
HDC400 400A 83mm 185sqmm 1200mm 700mm 18mm 55kgs HDCO & Trough M8
HDC600 600A 92mm 300sqmm 1100mm 508mm 18mm 55kgs HDCO & Trough M8

*Dimensions include trough

Integrated Metering & CT Chamber for Lucy Switchgear Cut Outs

Integrated Metering and CT Chamber affords secure, authorised levels of access and interface seamlessly with Lucy Switchgear HDC200, 400 and 600 range of Heavy Duty Cut Outs with the minimum of on-site preparation.

Heavy Duty Cut Outs HDCO 200A, 400A, 600A - Arrangement & Dimensions (mm)

Heavy Duty Cut Outs HDCO 200A, 400A, 600A – Arrangement & Dimensions (mm)

Lucy Also Offer House Service Cut Outs Both Single & Triple Phase 60A 80A 100A

Lucy Also Offer House Service Cut Outs Both Single & Triple Phase 60A 80A 100A

Data Sheets