
Product Categories

Access Chambers

Access Chambers

Access Covers

Access Covers

Arc Flash Products - Clothing, Gloves, Helmets & PP To Protect Against Arc Flashover

Arc Flash Clothing, PPE & Protection Kits

Cable Cleats

Cable Cleats, Clamps & Hangers

Cembre B1350L-C Battery Crimping Tool (up to 400sqmm cables)

Cable Cutting & Cable Crimping Tools

Cable Duct

Cable Duct

CMP PX2KW/MF Cable Glands

Cable Glands

11kV-33kV Cable Jointing Tools (Medium-High Voltage MV HV Cables)

Cable Jointing Tools

Tie-on LS0H Cable Labels (Heat Shrink) – Silver Fox Fox-Flo

Cable Labels

Aluminium Cable Lugs LV MV HV 11kV-33kV

Cable Lugs & Connectors

Cable Protection

Cable Protection

Cable Protection 11kV 33kV

Cable Protection Covers & Tiles

Cable Rollers

Cable Pulling & Cable Laying

Cable Transits

Cable Trough

Cable Trough

Cold Shrink

Cold Shrink

Cut Outs

Cut Outs & Isolators

Duct Seals

Duct Seals & Sealing Systems

Earth Rods

Earthing - Copper Earth Tapes, Rods, Bars & Accessories

Electrical Safety - CATU MO18ARC12

Electrical Safety Equipment

Electrical Test Equipment, Voltage Detection & Safe Isolation

Electrical Test Equipment, Voltage Detection & Safe Isolation

Feeder Pillars

Feeder Pillars

Fuses - MV HV Medium Voltage & High Voltage 11kV-33kV

Fuses | MV HV Medium Voltage & High Voltage 11kV 33kV

Hazardous Area Cables, Electrical, Lighting & Power

Hazardous Area Cable Glands, Cleats & Joints

HV Cable Joints, Terminations & Connectors

HV Cable Joints, Terminations & Connectors

LV Cable Joints

LV Cable Joints & Terminations - Cold Shrink, Heat Shrink & Resin

Medium Voltage & High Voltage Cables 11kV-33kV

Medium Voltage & High Voltage Cables 11kV-33kV

Medium Voltage & High Voltage Electrical Products

Medium Voltage & High Voltage Electrical Products

Overhead Line Equipment

Overhead Line Equipment MV HV EHV

Marechal DSN1 Plugs & Socket

Plugs, Sockets, Decontactors & Single Pole Connectors

Shoveit Hand Safety Tool

Push Pull Tools | Safety Equipment

Surge Arresters - MV HV Medium Voltage & High Voltage 11kV-33kV

Surge Arresters - MV HV Medium Voltage & High Voltage 11kV 33kV 66kV

THORNE & DERRICK are UK and international specialist distributors of LV, MV & HV Cable Installation, Jointing, Substation & Electrical Equipment – we service UK and global businesses involved in cable installations, cable jointing, substation, overhead line and electrical construction at LV, 11kV, 33kV and EHV.

We stock, supply and distribute Cable, Electrical & Power Products from market leading, global brands including – contact us for 3M, ABB, Alroc, AN Wallis, CATU, Cembre, Centriforce, CMP, CSD, Elastimold, Ellis Patents, Emtelle, Euromold, Filoform , Furse, Lucy Electric & Zodion, Nexans, Pfisterer, Polypipe, Prysmian, Roxtec, Sicame, WT Henley.

 ➡ Key Product Categories: Duct Seals | Cable Cleats | Cable Glands | Electrical Safety | Arc Flash Protection | Cable Jointing Tools | Cable Pulling | Earthing | Feeder Pillars | Cable Joints LV | Joints & Terminations MV HV 

Since 1985, T&D have established an international reputation based on SERVICE | INTEGRITY | TRUST.

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