Thorne & Derrick are leading Specialist Distributors & Stockists of LV, MV & HV Cable Installation, Jointing, Substation & Electrical Equipment to the Rail industry.
Low, Medium & High Voltages
Power Products ♦ Cables & Accessories ♦ Electrical Equipment
➡ Product Categories: Duct Seals | Cable Cleats | Cable Glands | Electrical Safety | Arc Flash Protection | Cable Jointing Tools | Cable Pulling | Earthing | Feeder Pillars | Cable Joints LV | Joints & Terminations MV HV
Joints ♦ Terminations ♦ Glands ♦ Cleats ♦ Earthing ♦ Ducts ♦ Seals ♦ Safety ♦ Tools ♦ Fusegear