Cembre 2A200-2M16 | 1000sqmm 11kV 33kV HV Cable Lugs

HV High Voltage Cable Lugs 11kV 33kV (2 Hole)

Cembre 2A200-2M16 | 1000sqmm 11kV 33kV HV Cable Lugs

Cembre 2A200-2M16

Up to 11kV 33kV

2 Hole Fixing Cable Lugs

Cembre 2A200-2M16 are high voltage cable lugs manufactured from copper with two-bolt fixing – the cable lugs are suitable for 1000sqmm conductors with 2 x M12 stud holes, the palms feature double stud holes at standard 44.5mm centres.

Cable lugs are annealed to ensure ductility and satisfactory performance when subjected to deformation and vibration and are electrolytically tin plated to avoid oxidation.

2A-2M HV High Voltage Cable Lugs 11kV 33kV

2A-2M HV High Voltage Cable Lugs 11kV 33kV Dimensions

1000sqmm Lugs

Cembre 2A200-2M16 Technical Design

  • ∅i: 44.0mm
  • B: 80.0mm
  • M: 22.0mm
  • N: 19.0mm
  • E: 44.5mm
  • L: 240.5mm
  • d: 17.0mm

The following table confirms the correct Cembre crimping tool and associated die set required to crimp 2A200-2M16 electrical lug connectors:

Crimping Tool RHU520
Die Set  ME200-520


Data Sheets